App Development

How much does it cost to develop an app in 2024? 


Over the years, the cost of developing a mobile app has undergone significant evolution. Factors such as the complexity of the design, the desired functionality, and the chosen platform have played a key role in determining this cost. However, in 2024, we find ourselves in a scenario where technology and user expectations have advanced by leaps and bounds, leading to a reevaluation of what it means to develop a mobile app and, consequently, how much it costs.

But, what factors have changed in app development in 2024 that could affect its cost? This year, the integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality, along with increased attention to data security and accessibility, have introduced new variables into the mobile app development equation. Additionally, the growing need to create highly personalized and emotionally resonant user experiences has led to a sophistication in UI/UX design that previously was not considered standard.

These advancements pose an intriguing question: in a world where expectations and technology are constantly evolving, how much does it cost to develop an app in 2024? Throughout this article, we will go through the various factors that contribute to the cost of app development, exploring how each has been influenced by the trends and emerging technologies of the moment. Get ready to delve into a detailed analysis that will inform you about the current costs and provide you with a deep insight into how to optimize your investment in mobile app development in a year full of innovations.

Factors Influencing the Cost of App Development

As we delve into mobile app development in 2024, it’s important to understand that the cost associated with making an app is not a fixed value, but the result of a series of interconnected factors. Each application is unique, and its development involves a set of decisions that directly influence the final cost. From the initial conception to the launch and beyond, each step of the process carries specific cost considerations. In this section, we will explore the most influential factors that determine how much it costs to develop an app in 2024, providing a detailed guide for those seeking to understand this process.

The factors influencing the cost of app development can be grouped into several key categories, each of which we will address in detail:

  1. Type of Application: The decision between developing a native app, a web app, or a hybrid app has significant implications for the cost. Each option offers different advantages and disadvantages in terms of performance, user experience, and accessibility across different platforms.
  2. Complexity of the Application: The functionalities and features desired to be implemented in the app play a key role in determining the cost. From basic applications with simple functions to complex applications with advanced integrations and custom algorithms, complexity determines the time and resources required for development.
  3. UI/UX Design: An intuitive and appealing design is essential for the success of a mobile app. The complexity of the design, customization, and creation of an exceptional user experience can vary widely in development cost.
  4. Development Platform: Choosing between iOS, Android, or developing for multiple platforms affects both the potential market reach and the necessary investment. Each platform has its own guidelines, tools, and associated costs.
  5. Development Personnel Expenses: Labor costs vary significantly depending on the geographical location, experience, and specialization of the development team. Selecting the right team is paramount to balance quality and cost.
  6. Maintenance and Updates: Developing a mobile app is a long-term commitment. Continuous maintenance, updates to adapt to new operating systems, and the addition of new features are aspects that affect the total cost over the app’s lifespan.
  7. Additional Costs: From software licenses to server operation costs, and marketing and launch expenses, there are several additional costs that can impact the overall development budget of an app.

Throughout the following sections, we will dig into each of these factors, showing how they influence the mobile app development process in 2024 and offering tips for effectively managing costs. This exploration will allow us to understand the variables that affect the price and how to optimize our decisions to develop high-quality apps in a cost-effective manner.

App type


In mobile application development, one of the first and most important decisions to be made is the choice between native, web, or hybrid applications. This decision will affect the performance, user experience, and accessibility of the application, as well as the cost and complexity of development. Let’s see how each option impacts the budget and the development process.

Native Applications

Native applications are developed specifically for an operating system, such as Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android, using the development platforms and programming languages recommended by these operating systems’ manufacturers (Swift and Objective-C for iOS, Kotlin and Java for Android). These applications can take full advantage of the device’s hardware capabilities, offering an optimal user experience, fast response times, and deep integration with the device ecosystem.

  • Impact on Cost: Developing a native application is usually more expensive than the other options, as it requires creating separate versions for each desired platform. This implies duplicating efforts in terms of design, development, and maintenance. However, for projects seeking the highest quality, performance, and utilization of specific device features, the investment can be justified.

Hybrid or Multi-Platform Applications

Hybrid applications combine elements of native and web apps. They are built using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and then packaged within a native container, allowing them to access device features and be distributed through app stores. Popular frameworks for hybrid development include React Native, Ionic, Flutter, and Xamarin.

  • Impact on Cost: The development of hybrid applications offers a balance between cost, performance, and access to device features. Although the cost may be higher than that of a pure web application, due to the need to adapt the interface to different platforms and sometimes work on specific device integrations, it remains generally lower than the development of multiple native applications. Hybrid applications are an ideal middle-ground solution for projects looking for good performance across multiple platforms without the high cost of native development.

Web Applications

Web applications are web pages optimized to be used on mobile devices through a browser. They are developed in web programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Unlike native applications, this type of app cannot be published in app stores (App Store and Play Store) and can only be accessed through a URL and a web browser. However, this feature allows the applications to be accessible from any device with an internet connection.

  • Impact on Cost: The development of web applications can be significantly more economical than that of native apps, mainly because a single code base is written that works across multiple platforms and devices. Although they may be more limited in terms of access to specific hardware features and performance compared to native apps, web applications represent a cost-effective option for projects with limited budgets or those that do not require deep integration with the device.

The choice between native, hybrid and web applications should be based on careful consideration of the goals of the project, target audience, desired features, and, of course, budget. Each type of application has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, performance, and the ability to offer a rich and functional user experience. By understanding how each option affects these aspects, businesses can make informed decisions that maximize the value of their investment in mobile app development.

In case there is not enough budget to hire the development of an application to a specialized company, there is the alternative of app builders, which offer a solution that tries to find a middle ground between cost and final product, although the app’s customization is limited.

App Complexity

The complexity of a mobile app is a determining factor in the cost of its development. This complexity is reflected both in the functionalities that the app offers and in its integration with third-party services and the use of specific device hardware. Understanding the relationship between an app’s complexity and its associated cost is essential for planning and budgeting development effectively.

Basic vs. Advanced Functionalities

  • Basic Functionalities: Applications with basic functionalities typically include standard features such as registration forms, user profiles, task lists, or news feeds. These apps require less development and testing time, as they use well-established functions and programming structures, reducing the total project cost. They are ideal for companies looking to launch a minimum viable product (MVP) to test an idea in the market.
  • Advanced Functionalities: On the other hand, applications that incorporate advanced functionalities—such as real-time content personalization, payment processing, integration of artificial intelligence-based chatbots, or complex backend functions—demand a greater investment in both time and resources. These features require detailed planning, specialized development, and an extensive testing period to ensure their proper functioning, which increases the project cost.

 Third-Party Integrations

Integrating with third-party services is another factor that can increase the complexity and cost of an app. Modern applications often require integrations with external systems for functions such as data analysis, payment management, maps, social networks, and marketing tools.

Each of these integrations needs to be configured and properly maintained, which can involve additional development and testing costs to ensure that the integration works smoothly and securely.

Use of Device Hardware

Leveraging the capabilities of the device’s hardware, such as GPS, camera, accelerometer, or biometric sensors, can also influence the cost of developing an application. The use of these features requires native access to the hardware, meaning that applications must be developed with special consideration for these integrations, increasing the complexity and the time needed for development and testing.

The implementation of advanced functionalities, integration with third-party services, and intensive use of the device’s hardware are aspects that can transform a simple application into a highly complex and sophisticated mobile solution. While basic functionalities may be suitable for applications intended to fulfill specific and simple functions, advanced functionalities are essential for applications looking to offer a rich, interactive, and personalized user experience.

In summary, the complexity of a mobile app is a component that directly affects the cost of its development. Careful planning and a clear definition of the project’s goals and requirements are essential to effectively manage the costs associated with the application’s complexity, thus ensuring that the final product meets user expectations and stays within the established budget.

Mobile Application Accessibility

Mobile application accessibility is a consideration that ensures all users, including those with disabilities, can use it effectively. This inclusive approach guarantees an app’s reach across the entire market, fulfilling required legal obligations while reinforcing a brand’s commitment to equal access to technology.

What does App Accessibility mean?

Accessibility in the context of mobile applications refers to the app’s ability to be used by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. This includes individuals with visual, hearing, motor, and cognitive disabilities. An accessible app takes into account these diverse needs by designing and developing interfaces and functionalities that can be easily used by everyone, ensuring that no one is excluded.

Legal Obligation for Accessible Design

Regarding the legal obligation of accessible design, there are notable differences between European and American regulations:

  • Europe: The European Union has adopted Directive (EU) 2016/2102, requiring websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies to be accessible to all users. While this directive focuses on the public sector, it sets a precedent and a guide for best practices for the private sector, encouraging a more inclusive approach in mobile application design.
  • United States: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been interpreted by courts to also apply to applications and websites, especially for those businesses operating in “public accommodation” spaces. Additionally, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the U.S. government be accessible.

This legal framework highlights the importance of integrating accessibility into the development process from the start, not only to comply with these regulations but also to ensure that applications can be used by a broader audience, thereby expanding their reach and impact. Designing for accessibility promotes inclusivity and demonstrates a commitment to providing equal opportunities for all users, an essential aspect of ethical and socially responsible business practices.

Features of an Accessible Mobile App

An accessible mobile application incorporates several key features designed to facilitate its use by all users. Some of these features include:

  • Intuitive Navigation: A clear and coherent structure, with accessible and predictable navigation controls.
  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Support for assistive technologies, allowing content to be read aloud to users with visual impairments.
  • Adjustable Text Sizes: Options to change the text size to accommodate the needs of users with visual impairments, or screen magnification (zoom or magnifier effect).
  •  Adequate Contrast: Sufficient color contrast between text and background to improve readability.
  • Accessible Touch Controls: Buttons and touch controls of an appropriate size, with sufficient spacing to prevent unintended actions.

Accessibility should be considered from the early stages of app design, ensuring that technology serves a broader purpose of inclusion and accessibility for all. The integration of these functionalities adds an extra layer in the development of the application, which also increases the final cost.

UI/UX Design


User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are critical components in the development of mobile applications, playing a key role in user retention. An intuitive and appealing design enhances user satisfaction, in addition to fostering greater interaction and loyalty towards the app. In this context, it’s important to understand how the level of design customization can impact the cost of app development.

The Importance of Design in User Retention

A well-thought-out UI/UX design makes the application easy to use and visually attractive, which is essential for capturing and maintaining user attention. The user experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. Therefore, an effective UI/UX strategy must focus on the app’s aesthetics, as well as its functionality, usability, and accessibility.

Today’s users have high expectations and a low tolerance for poor user experiences. Complicated navigation, slow loading times, and poor arrangement of interface elements can quickly lead to user frustration and, ultimately, the app being uninstalled. On the other hand, an application that offers a smooth, consistent, and enriching experience is more likely to foster an active and committed user base.

How the Level of Design Customization Impacts Cost

The level of customization in an app’s design has a direct impact on development costs. Below are some key points:

  • Standard vs. Custom Design: Opting for standard design templates and pre-designed UI components can be a cost-effective way to develop an application. However, these solutions may limit the app’s uniqueness and differentiation in a saturated market. On the other hand, a fully customized design, created from scratch to meet the specific needs of the application and its target audience, can significantly increase development costs. This customization involves more intensive design work, including the creation of unique visual elements, tailoring the user experience to different user profiles, and implementing complex animations and transitions.
  • Usability Testing: Developing a custom UI/UX design also involves an iterative process of usability testing and adjustments based on user feedback. This process is essential to ensure that the application is visually appealing and offers an optimal user experience. Usability testing can increase the time and resources needed for development but is key to preventing usability issues that could be costly to correct after launch.
  • Adaptability and Scalability: A custom design must be adaptable and scalable, capable of evolving along with application updates and new design trends. This means the design should be flexible enough to accommodate new features and functionalities without compromising the user experience. Investing in an adaptable and scalable design may have a higher initial cost but reduces the need for complete redesigns in the future, which can be more economical in the long run.

In conclusion, while a custom and high-quality UI/UX design can increase the development cost of a mobile app, it also plays a fundamental role in creating a satisfying user experience that can translate into higher retention and user loyalty. The key is to find the right balance between the level of customization and the available budget, ensuring that the investment in design effectively contributes to the app’s long-term success.

Development Platform

Choosing the development platform for a mobile application is a strategic decision that has significant implications for both the cost and market reach of the app. In 2024, the two main platforms in the mobile app market are iOS and Android, each with its own set of guidelines, development tools, and user base. Additionally, the option of multi-platform development (third-generation hybrid app) offers an alternative that seeks to combine the best of both worlds. Let’s examine how these options affect development costs and market reach.

Differences in Cost Between Platforms


Developing an application for iOS generally involves using Swift or Objective-C as programming languages. The main development tool is Xcode. iOS apps tend to have a higher development cost due to the need to comply with the strict design and functionality guidelines set by Apple. However, Apple’s closed ecosystem can facilitate development and testing by limiting the variety of devices and operating system versions.


On the other hand, developing for Android usually uses Kotlin or Java, with Android Studio as the primary integrated development environment (IDE). Developing for Android can be more challenging and expensive due to market fragmentation, with a wide variety of devices, screen sizes, and operating system versions. This diversity requires more extensive testing and adaptations to ensure compatibility and a consistent user experience across all devices.


Multi-platform development tools, such as React Native, Ionic, Flutter, or Xamarin, allow developers to write a single code base that works on both iOS and Android. This approach can significantly reduce development and maintenance costs, as it eliminates the need to develop and manage two separate code bases. However, multi-platform applications may not offer the same level of optimization or access to operating system-specific features as native applications.

Impact of Platform Choice on Market Reach


iOS applications have access to the market of Apple device users, characterized by having a higher purchasing power and being willing to spend more on applications. This can be especially relevant for paid applications or those with in-app purchases.


With the largest global market share, developing for Android allows access to a broader and more diverse user base. This is particularly advantageous for applications looking to achieve maximum market penetration or targeting regions where Android dominates the smartphone market.


Opting for multi-platform development maximizes market reach by making the application available to both iOS and Android users. Although there may be compromises in terms of performance and leveraging the specific features of each platform, this option is ideal for applications seeking rapid adoption and presence on all mobile devices.

The decision on which platform(s) to choose for app development should be based on an evaluation of the target audience, project goals, budget, and development timeline. While developing for a single platform may be suitable for applications with a well-defined target market, multi-platform development offers a more inclusive solution, ensuring that the app is accessible to as many users as possible.

Development Personnel Cost


Development personnel cost represent the main variable in the total cost of mobile app development. These costs vary considerably depending on the geographic region and the experience of the development team. Understanding how these factors influence the final cost is essential for effective planning and budgeting of any app development project.

Development Hourly Rate in Different Regions

The geographic location of the development team has a direct impact on the development hourly rate, reflecting differences in the cost of living, the demand for tech talent, and the general economic conditions of each region. Here is an overview of how these costs can vary:

  • North America (especially the USA and Canada): Development costs can be the highest, with hourly rates commonly ranging from €100 to €250. The high demand for qualified developers and the high cost of living in tech cities contribute to these premium rates.
  • Western Europe (such as Spain, the UK, Germany, and France): Hourly rates vary between €60 and €160, depending on the country and the specificity of the talent required. The variation reflects differences in the cost of living and in the technological ecosystems of each country.
  • Eastern Europe (including countries like Ukraine, Poland, and Romania): This region is known for combining relatively low costs with high quality of development, with hourly rates generally found between €25 and €90. The region has established itself as a major hub for software development outsourcing.
  • Asia (India, Philippines): Offers some of the lowest hourly costs, in the range of €20 to €45. Despite the attractive costs, time differences and language barriers can present significant challenges for communication and project management.
  • Latin America (such as Brazil, Argentina): With hourly rates varying between €40 and €80, Latin America has become a popular option for nearshoring, offering cultural and temporal advantages for North American companies.

The Importance of Team Experience in the Final Cost

eyond geography, the experience and specialization of the development team play a fundamental role in both the cost and the success and scalability of a mobile app project. An experienced team is capable of developing and launching high-quality applications more quickly, as well as bringing valuable strategic perspectives, identifying potential issues before they become too significant obstacles, and offering innovative solutions.

Investing in a highly experienced team, although it may increase the initial hourly cost, often results in long-term savings. This is due to a reduced need for costly corrections and a shorter development time, which ultimately increases the project’s chances of success. Beyond these savings, the team’s experience in specific industry regulations, especially in sensitive sectors like health and wellness, is invaluable. It ensures that the app complies with legal and safety standards from the start, in addition to offering an exceptional user experience.

Developer Team Experience and Product Quality

A development team with extensive experience equates to fewer errors in the final product and a better user experience. Skimping on development costs often results in low-quality products, plagued with errors, a poor user experience, and little to no scalability. Scalability, or an application’s ability to grow and adapt to increased demands without losing quality or performance, is essential to ensure the longevity and continued success of an app. Good technical architecture, designed by experienced developers, is key to achieving this goal.

At GooApps, many clients come to us after having relied on less experienced teams for the initial development of their apps, only to find that their products lack a solid foundation and scalable architecture, necessitating a complete rebuild from scratch. This scenario underscores the importance of making the right choice from the start, avoiding the false economy of opting for lower-cost but inferior quality solutions.

Accessibility: A Non-Optional Requirement

Accessibility is another critical aspect of mobile app development, one that many companies might be tempted to overlook to cut costs. However, beyond being an ethical imperative, implementing accessibility features is a legal requirement in the European market. An experienced team understands the importance of integrating these features from the start of development, ensuring that the app is accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities.

When considering development personnel expenses, it’s essential to balance initial costs with the long-term value that an experienced team can bring to the project. Choosing the right region and development team should be aligned with the project’s goals, available budget, and quality expectations. This ensures that the investment in mobile app development meets current standards for accessibility and regulations, as well as positioning the product for long-term success and scalability.

Additional Costs

We must not forget to consider post-development costs of the App, such as:

Dissemination and Promotion of the Application

Once an application is developed and launched, the next challenge is ensuring it reaches its target audience and achieves the highest possible number of active users. Effective dissemination and promotion of the application are essential for this purpose, encompassing strategies ranging from digital communication to effective publication in the App Stores. At GooApps, we understand the importance of these phases and offer a set of services designed to maximize the reach and visibility of our clients’ applications.

Strategic Communication and Promotion

At GooApps, we focus on a comprehensive communication and promotion strategy that includes the dissemination of success stories through our own channels, such as the GooApps website blog and our LinkedIn page. These platforms allow us to highlight the functionalities and benefits of the apps we develop, as well as share success stories and testimonials that can inspire potential users and clients.

In addition to using our internal media, promotion through external media plays a key role in the dissemination strategy. The selection of channels and tactics is customized for each project, ensuring that the message effectively reaches the target audience of the application.

Publishing on App Stores

At GooApps, we manage the app publishing process for our clients, ensuring that the application complies with all the technical and content guidelines of the iOS and Android platforms and is also optimized to stand out among the crowd. This includes creating compelling descriptions, selecting relevant keywords to improve visibility in searches, and using high-quality images and videos that showcase the app in action.

App Store Optimization (ASO) is an integral part of our publishing strategy, designed to increase the application’s visibility within the App Stores and improve conversion rates from views to downloads. This optimization is carried out through a careful analysis of market trends, user preferences, and competitor strategies.


The launch of an application, in addition to the possible costs associated with registering in the app stores (App Stores), can also involve other additional costs, such as those for acquiring security certificates and potentially, legal costs to ensure compliance with privacy and data protection regulations. At GooApps, we advise our clients on how to ensure compliance with these and other relevant regulations. Our advice ranges from the implementation of appropriate privacy policies to the adoption of data collection and storage practices that respect users’ rights. This guidance is essential to avoid legal penalties and ensure that the app maintains a positive reputation among users. These initial expenses are essential for a successful market entry.


To ensure that the app reaches its target audience and generates downloads, it’s critical to invest in a well-planned and executed marketing strategy. This can include paid advertising, content marketing, public relations, App Store Optimization (ASO), and more. The costs associated with these marketing activities can vary widely, but allocating an adequate budget is essential for building visibility and traction in a highly competitive market.

As a point of reference, if the app is targeted at businesses (B2B), best practices suggest investing the same amount in marketing as was invested in the app’s development. If the app is aimed at end-users (B2C), it’s recommended to invest double in marketing what was invested in the creation of the app.

In this context, GooApps works in collaboration with EMMA, a partner specialized in user acquisition and retention for apps, offering a suite of integrated tools designed to maximize the impact of mobile applications. Incorporating EMMA into an app’s marketing strategy amplifies promotional activities and provides valuable insights for the continuous improvement of the product. Among the services offered are the following:

  • Advanced Analytics: EMMA provides detailed analysis of user behavior within the app, allowing for the identification of usage patterns and areas for improvement.
  • User Segmentation: The platform enables user segmentation based on their behavior and demographic characteristics, facilitating personalized marketing and communication campaigns.
  • Marketing Automation: EMMA helps automate marketing campaigns based on user behavior, ensuring that the right messages reach the right person at the right time.

App Maintenance Services

Maintaining a mobile app is an important aspect that ensures its optimal functioning over time, adapting to technological changes and user needs. At GooApps, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive maintenance that covers both corrective and preventive aspects, ensuring that the app remains relevant over time and offers the best possible experience to its users. Minimum maintenance starts at 10 hours per month and can increase depending on the number of users of the application. This maintenance can be classified into three main categories:

Preventive Maintenance

  • Update the application to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of operating systems.
  • Optimize performance to improve the speed and efficiency of the app.
  • Review and update security measures to protect user information and comply with current regulations.
  • Verification and update of libraries and third-party dependencies to avoid vulnerabilities.

Corrective Maintenance

  • Resolution of errors reported by users to improve the stability and functionality of the application.
  • Adjustments in the user interface or user experience based on received feedback to increase user satisfaction.
  • Correction of compatibility issues with new devices or screen sizes to ensure a consistent user experience across all devices.

By investing in ongoing maintenance, GooApps helps ensure that apps not only continue to run smoothly but also evolve with their users’ needs, maintaining a competitive edge and high user satisfaction.


  • Improvements in the user interface or user experience that do not originate as part of preventive or corrective maintenance but add value to the application.
  • Content or database updates to reflect updated information or to add new features that enrich the app.
  • Integration of new functionalities or services that respond to market trends or user requests, keeping the app competitive and relevant.

The implementation of these three types of maintenance ensures the operational continuity of the application, as well as its constant evolution in response to market demands and user expectations. At GooApps, our commitment is to provide continuous and adaptive support that ensures the applications we develop meet current standards and are prepared to satisfy future ones, maintaining their relevance and effectiveness over time.

To learn more about the maintenance costs of an app, you can consult our article on how much does it cost to maintain an app in 2024.

Infrastructure and Cloud Storage Servers

Mobile applications requiring a database, backend processing, or data storage need servers to operate. Costs can vary based on the provider (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure), the scale of required resources, and the specific configuration (dedicated vs. shared servers, on-premise vs. cloud). It’s crucial to estimate expected traffic and storage needs to choose a hosting package that balances cost and performance.

Depending on the amount of information stored and traffic, storage costs typically range from €100 to €500 per month, in most cases.

Updates and Future Expansions

We all hope our app will be a success, right? Then we will surely need new expansions, incorporate new functionalities, and general improvements of the application that we will implement in different versions. These updates are usually implemented through packs of 60, 120, or 250 hours.

Making a tailor-made App in 2024

After a detailed analysis of the factors influencing the cost of app development, let’s explore what this cost would be based on the complexity of the application and the functionalities included.

The price of an app can vary greatly, generally ranging from €25,000 to €60,000, or more. As is the case when making any other product, creating an app requires resources and different professional profiles. The main variables characterizing these resources, in the case of development, are time and the experience of the involved profiles. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Time is money,” a phrase that perfectly applies in this case.

There are many factors that influence the price (time) of developing an app. As you can imagine, the more functionalities and complexity the app has, the higher the cost:

  • A Basic App could cost around €25,000
  • A Medium App might be in the €40,000 range
  • A Complex App can reach €60,000
  • A Custom App would cost more than €60,000


Do you want to know what we mean by a Basic App, a Medium App, a Complex App, and a Custom App? Do you want to know where the prices come from? Then keep reading.

App Development Time

As we have already mentioned, the main driver of the cost of developing an app is the time it takes to develop it. Let’s now talk about the correlation between time and the functionalities and complexity of developing a mobile app.

Functionalities and factors such as their technical architecture, integrations with other systems, APIs, or the volume of screens and buttons, in addition to the logic required for each of them, will determine the development time.

More complex developments may require highly customized programming, as well as the possibility of integrating IoT devices, wearables, or implementing advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, or augmented reality.

Standard functionalities, on the other hand, are implemented much more easily.

As we have already mentioned, the cost of developing an app starts from €25,000 to more than €60,000, depending on its complexity, or the time it takes to develop it.


The answer to how much it costs to develop an app can vary greatly depending on the app’s functionalities. Browsing the internet, you’ll find many calculators that will give you very variable values in exchange for leaving your contact details. In reality, the most reliable way to calculate the cost is to contact a team of developers.

Types of Apps and Examples

We talk about the level of complexity of developing an app. The smaller and simpler an app is, the less time its development takes. Seems obvious, right?

How many functionalities do you want to be implemented in the app? How many screens, buttons, functions do you want it to have? How complex is the app’s logic going to be?

The level of complexity in developing an app will depend on the functionalities and integrations you choose and how you are going to develop the app.


Basic app

A basic app, that is, informational with static content that does not require connection to external platforms or content management, would take about 350 hours of work. It can have 2 basic functionalities, 3 or 4 screens, simple functions, and no storage.

An app of this type could have these main functionalities:

  • Static content
  • Login
  • 2 functionalities

The usual development time for a basic app is typically around 45 days.


Medium App

Why does an electric bicycle cost more than a regular one?

The same principle applies when we develop an app. The more functionalities and features we add, the more the development time increases, and therefore, the cost as well.

If we want to incorporate dynamic content, dynamize and manage it through its connection to a back office or content management system and customization, it would amount to a total of 350 to 500 hours of work.

This type of application could incorporate all the functionalities of a basic app, in addition to being able to add the following:

  • Dynamic content
  • Basic GPS integrations
  • Map integration for location points
  • Back Office development with dynamic functionalities and flows
  • Social Media Login
  • 3 functionalities
  • Simple data management

The more features you want to add to the application, the greater the development complexity, thereby increasing the final cost.

The usual development time for a medium app is typically around 60 days.


Complex app

When the functionalities of a medium app are not enough, we can move on to complex cases, where we continue adding functionalities and features such as connection with IoT devices or wearables, support for offline work, as well as integration with external APIs. This type of apps can involve from 500 to 800 hours of work.

A Complex App could include the functionalities of a basic app and a medium app, in addition to:

  • All dynamic content
  • Integrations with external APIs that require synchronization
  • Integrations with external IoT devices
  • Payment integrations
  • 5 functionalities
  • Development of role-based permissions
  • Mobile application with different roles and functionalities

The usual development time for a complex app is typically around 60 days.


Custom App 

If you want to utilize the most cutting-edge technologies, such as integration with custom algorithms or AI services, as well as traceability functions through blockchain services, then a customized app is needed. This type of app requires a dedication of more than 800 hours of work.

A Customized App can include all the previous functionalities, in addition to:

  • All dynamic content.
  • More than 5 functionalities.
  • Integrations with multiple external APIs that require synchronization.
  • Integrations with payment methods and recurring subscriptions with billing control.
  • Real-time chat service.
  • Integration with custom algorithms or AI services.
  • Implementation of traceability through blockchain services.
  • Implementation of cache for high volume of visits per day.
  • Requires software certifications.
  • Development of permissions based on actions and ACL roles.
  • Implementation of user action logs.
  • Data analysis dashboard.

The usual development time for a customized app is typically around 60 days.



To conclude, can we say that in app development you get what you pay for? Absolutely! But finding a development price range that is realistic and fits your budget will be a critical aspect.

Remember, when we develop an app, at some point we expect to get a return on investment. To maximize the ROI, the developed App must be well-conceived, perfectly designed, and maintained professionally. And all this at a reasonable cost that you can afford.

In this article, we wanted to give you guidance on the cost of making a custom app. It’s true that prices vary a lot depending on each case, and it’s important that you understand the factors that influence design and development costs.

We recommend that you take all the time you need to analyze your real needs, the provider you will work with, and to define your goals and expectations clearly.

Once you have defined these points, do not hesitate to schedule a meeting to work with a mobile application development team that helps you design and execute your project.




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