App Development

Surfland, initial discovery phase

From GooApps®, we would like to use the example of Surfland to explain how our app development process works, from the discovery phase to its launch and maintenance.


We talked to our CEO, Eric García, who worked hand in hand with Borja Agote, a professional surfer, to create Surfland from scratch.

GooApps® always follows the same working process, so we will use this innovative app to explain the development of a fully custom app.

What was the initial business idea?

At GooApps®, we specialise in the creation of Apps for health, sport and wellbeing. Applications created by and for people.

Therefore, thanks to Phase 0 of discovery, working together with ex-professional surfer Borja Agote, we identified a business opportunity based on surfing.

It is a very inclusive sport, practised by both children and older adults, not forgetting adapted surfing and other forms of therapy. It should be noted that since Tokyo 2020, it has been an Olympic sport.

It is a booming leisure activity, with more and more followers every year, whether it is a first baptism or a holiday trip focused on its practice.

Some data are taken into account for this first phase 0 of discovery:

  1. In a city like Donosti-San Sebastián, surfing generates 14 million yearly. In a small town like Ribamontán (Cantabria), it moves more than 3 million, according to Expansión, a business newspaper.
  2. According to the magazine La Voz de Galicia last March, in A Coruña alone, it is estimated that more than 5,000 surfers are regular visitors to the urban beaches of Orzán and Matadero.
  3. Surf schools explain that they have been able to “hold two classes per weekend with about 20 people in winter”, an incredible number before.
  4. Each session costs around 20 to 50 euros to catch waves with rented equipment. A two-hour group class costs around 30 euros. The price increases if it is an individual session, which would be around 60 euros. There are also different camps, which cost 150 euros for 15 days.
  5. The price of the board is usually around 15 euros for two hours or 20 euros if neoprene is included.

This phase O is on knowing the problem, identifying the unmet needs and finding a solution.

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What needs/services is Surfland designed to meet?

Surfing is a sport closely linked to weather forecasts, sea conditions, and swell and wave height measurements.

This generates a continuous search and consultation of forecasts through different apps and websites by those who practice surfing. This is the initial value proposition that Surfland must have.

So finding the best surfing experience means travelling to different coastal regions guided by the weather forecast on swell and “epic” conditions for a specific place and date.

At the same time, this implies the need to equip yourself appropriately for each area and weather condition. Wave size is closely linked to different types of surfboards, and depending on the water temperature, you will need a summer, spring or winter wetsuit.

Therefore, as an added value, offering the possibility to rent or buy equipment while consulting the forecast is a need that is not covered by any application or website.

Last but not least, given the demand from those who take up the sport in their leisure and holiday time, we identified the need to offer hiring lessons and accommodation for those willing to make an economic investment to make surfing a safer, more comfortable and funnier experience.

The discovery phase is the stage of proposing ideas and solutions to unsolved problems in the market and presenting added value to the client.

GooApps Borja

What word would describe this first phase?

GooApps® Phase 0 -> DISCOVER -> We advise our clients on their innovation strategy.

The first step is to find out, rather than assume, what the problem is.

Therefore, if you have an unmet market need or feel like developing a new application, GooApps® will accompany you throughout the process.

If you have questions or want more information, please feel free to contact us, and your app will be the new revolution in the market!



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